Unveiling the Facebook Files: Exposing 1st Amendment Violations and Unmasking War Criminal Victoria Nuland - #216

Jonathan Kogan:
We're live. What's up everybody. Welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show. I'm your host, Johnny K. We got breaking news. We have so much to cover. I got this whole list here, which I was just going to read, but I want to get. This podcast today started off on the right foot. All right. So first of all, I got to ask if you're listening to this on YouTube on rumble, like it, share it. If you haven't subscribed to The Jonathan Kogan Show, wherever you get your podcast, please do that five star review helps it circulate, get the truth out there. because we're just walking into oblivion as a society. We are just, we need to wake up the masses. We need some help. We need some participation because staying quiet isn't working. Cause listen, are you excited for climate lockdowns or no? You know, what are you going to do when you're locked down for the climate? Are you going to say something then? At what point do you speak? You decide. You decide when you want to speak. You want to speak when we're locked down, you know, and can never leave our pods. When we can only eat bugs. At what point? Do you want to use your voice? At what point? At what point do you want to find courage? Perhaps now? Or do you just want to wait till the end? We're running out of time people, we're running out of time. Come on. Okay. So breaking news first, before I get into this whole concoction list, I got a bunch of videos, I got a lot to do. Um, this is amazing. This is an amazing story. Ready for this? This is from Chief Nerd. This was just on local news. Ready for this? Oh my God. New, a mysterious Chinese lab. has been uncovered in California with mice bio-engineered to incubate the COVID-19 virus. Quote, I've never seen anything like this. According to court documents, experts determined that at least 20 potentially infectious viral bacterial and parasitic agents were being stored inadequately, including E. coli, malaria, and COVID. Oh wow, those are all Bill Gates' favorite. So this is in California, okay? And there's people who are still under all these PSYOPs and think Gavin Newsom's fantastic. Even though he's literally, he's an awful human being. Okay. I don't know. These people are saying, yeah, we should like elect Gavin or, oh my God, Biden is the best president of all time. It's like, it's like, listen, this is an apolitical podcast, but we're not dumb. Okay. We're apolitical for a reason so we could see the truth. And if you're saying those things, you're either a hack getting paid by the DNC or you're just a idiot. Okay. I don't know. Those are, it's a binary decision. You're getting paid to be a hack or you're a fucking moron. That's as far as it goes. Listen to this news report. Ready for this? This is unbelievable. This is happening in California. Don't forget. What do they say? What's that quote? Where California goes, uh, you know, the country follows or whatever. Well, here's what the country's going to follow with baby. Here we go. Oh great, you probably want to cover it up. That's fantastic. You know what? Since we're just at peak clown world, I hope it's run by military age, male, CCP, Chinese Communist Party, people that came into the country illegally that are here to kill people and just opening up a bio lab in California because Gavin Newsom loves chopping off testicles and injecting people with foreign substances that we don't know anything about. He loves that stuff. That's like his thing. like mandates, forced injections, forced body part removal for children. He loves it, just, oh, he drools about it. And so I hope these people came in illegally. I hope there are threats to society. I hope we just go peak craziness, okay? So people can get their heads back on, and be like, hey, maybe we shouldn't let military age people from a country that wants to kill us and take our land, come into our country, and create bio labs where, hmm, perhaps this actual virus came from a bio lab in. that very country of China, okay? And maybe there's bio labs, there are bio labs in Ukraine and we're concocting things there too. Oh my God, enough with the bio labs, shut them down. Shut them down. So that's live local news, that's fantastic. They've never seen this in 25 years. Totally normal, totally normal. Just come off on unauthorized bio labs with mice injected with viruses that Bill Gates would drool over. Some people go to Pornhub. Bill Gates goes to how many infectious diseases can we give to people.org and just gets off on that. But anyways, that's that. That was breaking news. Wanted to give you that. Now, what do we got? What is it? Is it Niger or Niger, the country? Well, there's a coup and France is like, listen, you guys are talking about France. We're not going to have it. We need that uranium and we're just going to listen. There's going to be military action if you try to go against this because they want to go with Russia. I'll give you some details on the Hunter-Blide and plea deal. If you haven't, Glenn Greenwald gives a good explanation. The CDC is very close to authorizing an annual COVID shot. That's fantastic. Hurry up and get yours. Get two, get three, get four, maybe get free French fries with that. Uh, promoting Victoria Newland, the war pig who was an advisor to Dick Cheney. You know, it's really amazing. We'll start with that, but then let me just give you the rest of the rundown here. Facebook censorship from White House, from Jim Jordan, some breaking stuff. And then even on top of that, some other bait breaking stuff would just come out. A video I have of, uh, A former CIA, 12 years in the CIA. Now one of the head, he's the head of Metas, which is Facebook Metas, misinformation content moderation policy, but he was the CIA before that. He was FBI before that. He was the DOD, all this stuff. And now he's running, get out of here. This is unbelievable. It's sick. Mark Zuckerberg, you should be ashamed. Um, uh, crimes against humanity video compilation of them knowing that it was a pandemic, which means it was a plandemic, but you already know that. Unless you're new here. Welcome to the John the Cogin Show. Bernie Sanders and all the Dems voted no on having an inspector general on all of our money that's going to Ukraine. Now you tell me, just why? What would be, give me one good reason, just one. That's all I ask, one good reason why a senator would vote no to having hundreds of billions of dollars sent from taxpayers for, and to have an audit with that. Why would you vote no? Just tell me a reason. I just want to know one reason why that's good. Because the only thing I can think of is you would vote no if somehow that money was making it back to you. It makes no sense. Why would you not want an audit on the money? Like why? Why? It makes no sense. So something's going on. You know, it's FTX. This is a massive money laundering scheme, but don't worry. It's going back to, you know, the military industrial complex, going back to, you know, the Dems, whatever. We know what's going on. We're not dumb. And then I got an earthquake. We might be having a big earthquake here in the next few days. This channel predicted the last earthquake that was massive in Turkey. And he's saying that everything's a lot. I'll play it for you. It's pretty interesting about how we're aligned up for a massive earthquake. The same size or bigger in the next, I think, three days. I think the first or the I think the first of August or 31st. Well, we'll get into it. Anyways, first things first. My people come first. All right. First of all, I hope you're having a fantastic day wherever you're listening to this. Thank you for being a part of the John the Cook show. Thank you for being awakened. Hopefully you're sharing this with people so we can, you know, figure the shit out and like pull society together. That'd be cool. So, uh, where should we start? Oh yeah. Let's do Victoria Newland real quick. This is just absolutely sensational. Okay. Now I just get a tweet on this, which is at KOGZ and, um, I think it is a good tweet and I'll play the clip from Kim Iverson, which is good. So as you know, actually, we'll just cover it all in the tweet here. Here we go. I go in honor of Victoria Nuland being promoted. Yes, promoted. I'd like to cover a few important points. Here's the first one per her Wikipedia. Okay. Her Wikipedia, which we know is edited by the CIA, all those people per her Wikipedia, it says quote from 2003 to 2005, Nuland served as the principal deputy foreign policy advisor. to Vice President Dick Cheney exercising an influential role during the Iraq war. Now, I had no idea that these, I'll just read what I wrote. I wrote it. I go, I had no idea that people who love Joe Biden and even go as far as to say he's the best president ever were so supportive of George W. Bush's foreign policy. She was literally an advisor to Dick Cheney, who was the biggest war criminal to serve as a vice president ever. Correct me if I'm wrong. I had no idea these people loved, I thought they hate Republicans, they're fascists, all these people. And now you have the same people that architected Bush's foreign policy, now doing Biden's. But because they have a D next to their name, they're cool, they're awesome. And we must listen to what they say. And anything that someone else says is conspiracy theory. But if it came from George Bush and the Republican, well then they're fascist. Okay, that makes a lot of sense, right? Use your thinking people, it's unbelievable. Like I said, you're either a political hack or you're bored. You maybe you're retarded. I don't know. Sorry for the language, but maybe you're retarded. I don't know. I don't know what else to say. I'm sorry. I don't want to say words like that, but someone has to tell the truth around here. And that's what this podcast is for. Sure. It gets uncomfortable. Things get awkward, but at least you get to use your God given critical thinking skills to come up with the conclusions. Point number two, the narrative. is that this war was completely quote, unprovoked and Putin woke up one day and just wanted to invade Ukraine. Additionally, we had nothing to do with the coup in 2014, which overthrew the democratically elected government in Ukraine. Well, if you listen to this clip, which you're going to hear shortly, you will hear Newland talking about who to put into power and who not during this coup that we supposedly had nothing to do with. Yeah, sure. So you're about to listen to this phone call that Newland had with the. our ambassador to Ukraine, our former ambassador to Ukraine from the US of who, who should be running the show, doing this transition, you know, how to set up, you know, this meeting with three potential leaders. You'll hear it. You'll hear it. Okay. But we had nothing to do with it. It was unprovoked. Number three, Newland's obsession with Russia slash Soviet Union goes back to 1993, where she served as chief of staff to deputy, deputy secretary of state, before moving on to serve as deputy director for former Soviet Union affairs. Basically, she's been at this for a long time. Point number four, in December 2013, the year before the coup, she said in a speech to the US-Ukraine Foundation that the US had spent about 5 billion on quote, democracy building programs in Ukraine since 1991. Democracy building programs, who we know is also run by your boy, George Soros. Oh, which brings me to another funny one, which I'll get into in a second. And number five, Kim raises an interesting point at the end of this video. Is that how Biden became president? Was this part of the plan? Biden becomes president even though he didn't win the first couple primary races in the Democratic primary, which is unheard of. The guy disappeared during the campaign. Nobody saw him and suddenly he wins overnight. Is this why? Because we were planning all along for this move against Russia to provoke Russia to invade and we knew they would do that. Well, let's play some of this clip. I had a nine minute clip, but I'm going to shorten. I'm going to play you. Uh, I, I just started right before that phone call. And if you haven't heard this phone call, very important that you hear this phone call, cause we're being told things that are not true. Actually, you know what? Maybe they're true. You think use your own brain cells. If you have any left. Here we go. So what's interesting about that question and observation is don't you just find it weird for just forget all that. Don't you just find it strange that Biden becomes president and then the whole world becomes unhinged. There's wars everywhere. We're starting wars everywhere. We're involved with wars everywhere. There's just chaos everywhere. The country's never been more divided. He ran on unity. He said, it's time to bring the country together. And every other statement his administration says is the extreme MAGA need to basically go away. Right? That's 75 million people, 75 million people voted for Donald Trump. And I don't care who voted for who we're all part of one country. You run out, bring everyone together. I didn't pay attention to politics. Uh, before they started locking things down and forcing injections in everybody, all that stuff. So I didn't pay attention because it didn't affect my life until then. So you tell me were things more divided during Trump, which I, I've, I've heard some things now and look back and it seems like, you know, it was pretty wild, but are things more divided now or then, cause I feel like now things are off the hinges, okay. Things are just crazy now, like just nuts. Like everybody's at each other's throat. Everything's psychotic and everyone's lost their mind. It was it worse during Trump or better? I feel like everything's worse. I have no idea because I didn't pay attention, but just, just what is it? And why is this happening? Why is there so much controversy happening domestically for everywhere, everywhere? And we've always wanted to, you know, we've always wanted to take out Russia. We've always wanted to, you know, part of that, that blueprint, uh, from Zbinski, uh, the, uh, Scar, uh, Joe Scarborough's wife on his show. Her dad was a famous architect of foreign policy. He wrote this chessboard book and that Ukraine was the prize. And we've always wanted that. And we built up towards this and then boom, all of a sudden from Obama, then you skip Trump because that we needed to start new foreign wars. He gets out, Biden comes in, boom, right back at the plan of Ukraine. It's just suspect. It is so suspect, especially when you hear that call. It's just real suspect. Um, and that's not an endorsement of anyone that has been apolitical and observing things with a fucking brain. Okay. Anyways, next. Uh, Facebook censorship. So we know a lot about this. You know a lot about this. We've covered it massively on this podcast, but now the evidence is just unbelievable. And they even censored memes. And then I want to play a video of you of the guy who I mentioned is, was a part of CIA FBI for 12 years, and then boom, like is on a video with Renee, whatever her name is, and I'll play who she is. Who's been caught red handed, who has made the argument for why. censorship, why the First Amendment needs to go. It's the most anti-American thing I've ever heard in my life. But anyways, that's why it's the First Amendment, because they know the Founding Fathers knew it was that important freedom of speech, and people are trying to eliminate it. Anyways, this is from Jim Jordan, the representative from Ohio. The Facebook Files Part 1 Smoking Gun Docs Prove Facebook Censored America is Because of Biden White House Pressure. Never Before Released Internal Documents Subpoenaed by the Judiciary Committee Prove That Facebook and Instagram Censored Posts and change their content moderation policies because of unconstitutional pressure from the Biden White House. During the first half of 2021, social media companies like Facebook faced tremendous pressure from the Biden White House, both publicly and privately, to crack down on alleged misinformation. Yeah, okay, misinformation. In April 2021, a Facebook employee circulated an email for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and CEO Sheryl Sandberg writing, quote, including the Biden White House to remove posts. In another April 20, 21 email, Nick Clegg, Facebook's president for global affairs, informed his team at Facebook that Andy Slavitt, a senior adviser to President Biden, was, quote, outraged that Facebook did not remove a particular post. What did the Biden White House want removed? A meme. That's right. Even memes weren't spared from the Biden White House censorship. And what was that mean? Here's the mean. Ready? If you're not watching, I'll tell you. 10 years from now, you will be watching the TV and hear, dot, did you or a loved one take the COVID vaccine? You may be entitled, you know, like a asbestos or whatever that they, that they played like forever for like a decade of my life. That's what the meme was. Kind of funny. When Clegg quote, countered that removing content like that would represent a significant incursion into traditional boundaries of free expression in the U S Slava disregarded the warning and the first amendment. What happened next? Facebook panicked. In another April, 2020 email, Brian Rice, Facebook's VP of Public Policy, raised the concern that Slavich's challenge felt quote, very much like a crossroads for us with the Biden White House in these early days, close quote. But Facebook wanted to repair its relationship with the White House to avoid adverse action. Quote, given what is at stake here, it would also be a good idea if we could regroup and take stock of where we are in our relations with the... White House and our internal methods too. This wasn't the first time that the Biden White House was angry that Facebook didn't censor more. According to these documents, the Biden White House demanded to know why Facebook had not censored a video from Tucker Carlson, so Facebook prepped its response. To appease the Biden White House, talking points were drafted for Clegg. Facebook was ready to tell the White House that it had demoted a video posted by Tucker Carlson by 50-50 percent. in response to the White House's demands, even though the post did not violate any policies. Public pressure mounted as well. In July 2021, President Biden publicly denounced Facebook and other social media platforms claiming they were quote, killing people by not censoring alleged quote misinformation. A link to Reuters. On August 2nd, 2021, Facebook admitted it was going to change its policies because of pressure from the Biden White House. August 2nd, 2021. quote, Facebook's leadership asked Miss info policy to brainstorm some additional policy levers we can pull to be more aggressive against misinformation. This is stemming from the continued criticism of our approach from the Biden administration. Why does all happen all of a sudden? Oh, we have a, we have a change. All these agencies, everyone hates Trump. Then you bring in Biden, these are supposed to go to normal and they go full dictatorship, like full dictatorship. They circumvent and violate the first amendment. Full dictatorship. And people are like, yeah, he's the greatest of all time. Oh my God. I've never had, oh my God. It's like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, all wrapped into one. Okay. But it wasn't just the white house. Facebook also changes policies and direct response to pressure from Biden's surgeon general, censoring members of the quote disinformation dozen, which by the way, the disinformation dozen were actually the information dozen that told the truth and the disinformation dozen was basically everybody in mainstream media and Fauci and everybody else. These documents and others that were just produced to the committee proved that the Biden admin abused its powers to coerce Facebook into censoring America's preventing free and open discourse on issues of critical public importance. Probably the most important time ever for public discourse. But people just seem to forget. They don't care. Violation of the first amendment. They mandated experimental medication. They didn't tell you about the adverse side effects that people got fired from their jobs, the total world you were locked down in your home against your will. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. And they just don't talk about in the news and just moves on. Only after the committee announced its intention to hold Mark Zuckerberg in contempt, did Facebook produce any internal documents to the committee, including these documents, which proved that government pressure was directly responsible for censorship on Facebook. Based on Facebook's newfound commitment to fully cooperate with the committee's investigation, the committee has decided to hold contempt in abeyance for now. To be clear, content is still on the table and will be used if Facebook fails to cooperate in full. Now, based off of that, I want to play a video that just started circulating just now from the user from Twitter, from Neymar Dactin on Twitter. And it's a short video of how this CIA operative turned head of misinformation at Facebook and Metta or whatever. How they what they do, how they censor information. So here's the post from Neymar Dactin. Facebook executive admits to censorship of COVID misinformation, including true content leading to vaccine hesitancy. Former CIA operative Aaron Berman, currently head of Metta's misinformation policy and head of elections content policy, is interviewed by CIA Rene DeResta, which we'll get more into Rene DeResta, which we have before. Aaron Berman states the following, "'We do reduce the distribution of certain content about vaccines that doesn't otherwise violate our policies.'" He goes on to describe in detail, Facebook's efforts to censor posts about COVID and vaccines including consultations with WHO, health experts, and fact checkers. Jim Jordan has released selected and cropped emails received from Metta suggesting that Facebook would not have censored content about COVID if it weren't for pressure from the Biden White House. This claim is misleading as Metta was a willing partner in this censorship effort. In the below Jordan tweet, you could see he has unredacted names of the of only two Facebook employees, but many other names remain redacted, including Aaron Berman. Why is that? If Jim Jordan were fully transparent and published all documents received by Metta with no redactions, you would see an alarming number of people currently working for Metta, including Aaron Berman, who used to work for the CIA, the FBI, the DIH, CISA, the DOD, the State Department, the NSA and DOJ all hired since 2018. Almost like they were planning for something happening at the end of 2019. Hmm. Plandemic. Jordan won't do this because it collapses his narrative. and exposes a larger operation where the intelligence community has infiltrated social media platforms similar to operation mockingbird to censor, manipulate, interfere in elections and conduct disinformation operations. Please, if you haven't read about operation mockingbird, please go do that on your own. Here's Renee de Resta from Stanford. A five minute interview will play a little bit of it with the CIA ops and how they, you know, how they do this policy. Remember this is a CIA operative who now is the head of content misinformation at Metta. Ooh, is that a little bit of a Freudian slip there? Huh, because their information editor was misinformation. You know, the frames where it says like, hey, I got vaccinated. I can be a great person too. And then like a year later, they're dead. First of all, how can these people live with themselves? They're literally destroying the constitution and country that they live in. What do they think is going to happen to them? They're morons. Sorry. I had to say that. And who funds those fact checkers? Like 90% of them, Bill Gates. And don't forget, I'm gonna play right here. Don't forget, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Metta, said this, not that long ago, on Lex Freeman. Don't forget that. He literally just said this. This is Glenn Greenwald you're about to hear. Is that unbelievable? Things that turned out to be true, that were censored by the government, which every government that became totalitarian, or that is totalitarian, controls speech, and they censor it for their political advantage. And now you know that our government in the United States of America, and pretty much all the West, censored information in collusion. with social media companies because they couldn't do it themselves because it's unconstitutional. It's also unconstitutional to do it through social media companies. But they did that and they censored things that were true during a pandemic, a pandemic, but a pandemic that was killing people where we could have exchanged data and found out what saved lives. But instead they told us things that were not true that actually killed more people. More people died because of this. And there are literally a faction of... a certain amount of people still cheering on this regime and what's going on. That is psychotic. OK, what seriously like Glenn, what would disturb you if controlling speech and that speech turned out to be true? What would disturb you if that doesn't disturb you? I mean, what? Just tell me. I mean, this is it. This is it, baby. This is all the marbles right here. I mean, this is crazy. Let's get back into the Facebook files part two after Zucks. God, I have no respect for him at all. None. Zero. The Facebook Files Part Two. Newly subpoenaed documents reveal Facebook bowed to the Biden White House pressure to remove posts. It was in The Wall Street Journal, by the way. In the summer of 2021, the White House was mounting a nationwide push for Americans to get vaccinated for COVID-19. Part of that push included a public and secret campaign to get Facebook to more aggressively police vaccine related content, including true information. This was in the Biden admin's first pressure campaign. In July 2021, Facebook's head of global affairs asked why Facebook had been censoring the COVID lab leak theory. The answer was clear quote, because we were under pressure from the administration, we shouldn't have done it. Close quote by an administration officials clamp. By the way, if you thought it came from a lab, you were a racist and hate Chinese people, but if it came from a dirty wet market, where they like live chinchillas, that's totally cool. That's not defamatory. That's fine. But when you say that the virus came from. Literally the laboratory that says the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where they study the exact viruses that are infecting everybody. That makes you a conspiracy theorist. Okay. Yeah, sure. All right. Yeah. Just want to make sure we're on the same page. Biden administration officials claimed that many Americans were hesitant to get vaccines because of content, including true information that they saw on Facebook. Quote, they're killing people. President Biden said in July. God. Such a horrible human being. Facebook employees initially bristled at President Biden's accusation. But. The tongue lashing directly caused Facebook to reevaluate its policies about COVID-19 content and discussions that involved high level company officials, including Clegg and then chief operating officer, Cheryl Sambor. Yeah, she probably retired because she knew she, how do I put this lightly? Fucked up. What did the White House want removed? Humorous posts about the vaccine. Seriously, jokes were too much. So satire, you can't have satire because you can't tell if it's satire. The Biden administration also wanted Facebook to remove true information as well. As Clegg prepared to meet Biden's Surgeon General, he emailed colleagues, quote, Cheryl is keen that we continue to explore some moves that we can make to show that we are trying to be responsive to the White House, Facebook even considering blackholing certain domains. Clegg continued, quote, My sense is that our current course in effect, explaining ourselves more fully, but not shifting on where we draw the lines is a recipe for protracted and increasing Facebook's leadership relented in August and agreed to change the company's content moderation policies because of the Biden admin's continued pressure and Facebook caved to the White House again. These subpoenaed documents continue to reveal that Biden's administration's effort to censor speech literally the most important part of the entire Constitution. The whole thing, the thing that, the whole reason where the United States of America, the whole thing falls upon the First Amendment, the freedom of speech. They're taking that away. And you got half the country going, yeah, this guy's the best guy ever. This is fantastic. Life has never been better. Are you, some's going on. Like either our government hates our guts and the least despise us or someone's hijacked the current administration. Something's going on. This is not normal. This has never happened before. And it happened immediately when Biden got into office. Like just ask yourself what is going on. And just to go back to, uh, what's her name? Uh, Renee. We know about Renee. We know about the CIA operative who's behind all this. This was just yesterday or today, yesterday on a dark horse with Brett Weinstein and Michael Schellenberger talking about a Renee DiResta. It's not, just listen to it. I just want to make sure you heard that. Her story, supposedly, she's a pro-vaccine mother who is just very concerned about disinfo because she cares so much about other people's kids. And then so she wants to get involved in helping with the disinfo against vaccines, or what she calls disinfo against vaccines. And she ends up very shortly helping to fight ISIS with Obama. Okay, sure. Yeah, yeah. So I'm going to take it. So Sam obviously did turn into a moron. It's amazing people put their whole reputation on the line for something they knew nothing about. And I've said this on, I said this over a year ago. It's been a year now, which is when they said that the vaccine was a hundred percent effective. It was to the tune of two people died in the vaccine group and one person died in the unvaccinated group or other way around two died in the unvaccinated. One died in the vaccinated. So relative two is a hundred percent greater than one. And so they would tell you the vaccine is a hundred percent effective, but you don't want to know relative to the, to the size, like, oh, one and two. No, you want to know in absolute terms, what is it effective? And it was like below 1% or they didn't even test it. They just totally manipulated the data to just Psyop everybody. And the amount of people that got Psyop still blows my mind to this day. I still have friends that are idiots. Um, but it is what it is. You know, if you want to be dumb, you could be dumb. So speaking about this, let's talk about no one predicting this plandemic, or should I say pandemic, plandemic, pandemic. This is a nice little compilation from Texas Lindsay, predictors of the profitable pandemic. Now you'll hear at the beginning, they never thought this would be a billion dollar opportunity, no way, no way. And if you're not watching this, you should watch on Rumble. I can't put this on YouTube. You can look it up on Rumble, The Jonathan Kogan Show. But if you're listening to this, you can still make sense of what's happening. This is unbelievable. This starts off with Dr. Francis Collins, the former NIH director. I want to make sure you heard that. He walked into his manufacturing facility after making 100,000 doses or whatever and said, how do we make a billion doses next year? And the guy was confused. He goes, yeah, there's going to be a pandemic. And then a pandemic happened. What did the fact checker say about that one? He said, yeah, there's going to be a pandemic next year. And guess what? He nailed it. He got it. And they need a billion doses. Unbelievable. Come on, people. Wake up. This guy is a psychopathic criminal that is spreading viruses across the world and killing people and he's just walking around telling us to prepare for the next one and there is zero accountability. What are we thinking? Can the peasants come together and be like, hey, we want some accountability for this pandemic that was planned and manipulated and lied and then this whole censorship industrial complex was formed? and everybody was deprived of their free speech, at least in the US with our rights, the Constitution was violated, the Bill of Rights was clobbered, and that they're gonna do it again? Can we have some accountability? In Nuremberg, they hung people, all right? I'm just asking for some accountability. Like, hey, oops, we fucked up. Or hey, maybe you should go to jail for a little bit, or prison for life, or maybe you should be hung. I don't know, but there should be some sort of accountability. Is that okay? Is that too much to ask? I don't think it's too much to ask. Literally millions and millions of people were killed from COVID, the virus itself. Okay, so forget about the vaccine and what you think on that. Okay, which is definitely kill people obviously But just the virus itself Is a what is a bio weapon? Okay, so both are bio weapons both are bio weapons Okay, whichever one you want to go with pick your bio weapon of choice. All right, and this guy who's responsible for all of it Is doing it again Oh my god going crazy. I'm going crazy. I don't know what it's going to take. Apparently, it's going to take a lot. We must come together. We must wake everybody up. All right. So, all right. I'm going to end on this special, special ending for the episode unrelated to any of this stuff, which is the planetary and seismic update. Full moon warning. This guy predicted, like I said, he predicted the earthquake in Turkey. Literally predicted it using the same methodology and now he's predicting another one potentially I think in the next couple days and so I want to play it for you here because if it's true and baby This podcast is so ahead of the curve. It's unbelievable. Take a listen All right, there's more to that. You can watch it. But he was right last time. So you're recovering here because we cover everything here that's worthwhile before anybody else covers it. That's The Jonathan Kogan Show. Subscribe, I was gonna say surprise. Subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe to this Rumble channel. Follow on Twitter if you want some awesome videos, at K-O-G-Z. And just support the pod because we're trying to get the truth out that we're on the same team. Let's help each other out. Doing the best I can, all right? We've done 200 plus episodes of pure truth bombs and we're making waves. We're making waves. That's what we're doing. We bring apolitical, unbiased truth and we're making it great again. That's what we're doing. Okay. We're making sanity great again. All right. That's all I got for today. I love you. I hope you have an amazing day, night, afternoon, wherever you are in the world. We're all on the same team. I love you. You should love yourself. Do something nice for somebody today or tomorrow. If you're going to bed, hold open a door, text someone you haven't texted in a while. Say, Hey, just thinking of you hope all is well. do something, okay? That's what makes the world go around. That's how we beat these elites, all right? We be kind to one another and we join forces across party lines, across every line, and we realize it's all of us versus the little anybody few that are trying to implement the greater reset, but we ain't gonna have that, it ain't gonna happen. All right, thanks for being a part of The Jonathan Kogan Show. I'll see you tomorrow. Fasetta, it's better, bye.

Unveiling the Facebook Files: Exposing 1st Amendment Violations and Unmasking War Criminal Victoria Nuland - #216
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