The FBI’s Exposed Propaganda Partnership with Big Tech - #136

Today, we dive into the FBI's exposed propaganda partnership with Big Tech and its implications of everyday American peasants. I don't know of anytime in history where censorship was in the interest of "the people", but perhaps this is different (maybe, we didn't do it "right" all those other times!).

[jonathan_kogan]: We're live welcome to The Jonathan Kogan
Show at your service got amazing news for

[jonathan_kogan]: you best news you've heard all day
today we have two episodes bee s well

[jonathan_kogan]: there's a lot to cover which is
nothing new you know given the world wherein

[jonathan_kogan]: at this point in time but also
i think it's kind of two separate subject

[jonathan_kogan]: so i don't really want to combine
into one so the first one is m

[jonathan_kogan]: i got to play two clips so
one clip is from an old x files

[jonathan_kogan]: remember the x files the main guy
in the files i forget the actor's name

[jonathan_kogan]: this just came to my head but
he was also the actor in california cation

[jonathan_kogan]: he's a he's a real life sex
addict and me nothing wrong with that but

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah that's all true and i think
he got help for it and stuff but

[jonathan_kogan]: he played that role in california cation
but also happens to be a real sex

[jonathan_kogan]: attic but he became famous i believe
he's a great actor fantastic actor nothing wrong

[jonathan_kogan]: with sex at at all nothing nothing
nothing an anybody we're pro human we love

[jonathan_kogan]: everybody that's what this podcast is about
we do not believe in politics we believe

[jonathan_kogan]: in human rights we believe in freedom
we believe in love and we think politics

[jonathan_kogan]: is not real not real it's all
fake so here we go so the x

[jonathan_kogan]: files episode is just i'm not even
going to give my tidbit my little opinion

[jonathan_kogan]: about it it's very fascinating it's like
how do i explain it it's it's like

[jonathan_kogan]: a it was like a prophecy predicted
the future it was maybe not i mean

[jonathan_kogan]: you might disagree with it i just
want you to listen to it if you're

[jonathan_kogan]: watching it on on rumble or you
tube howly suggest do that but you can

[jonathan_kogan]: listen to it the audio fine and
it's i don't know it's almost like don't

[jonathan_kogan]: know like a like a deep state
or person wrote it many years ago for

[jonathan_kogan]: the time we're in today but maybe
you totally disagree and that's fan tastic to

[jonathan_kogan]: because on this podcast we implore people
to disagree with one another to chat to

[jonathan_kogan]: discuss to debate to come to willingly
change your minds do not change your mind

[jonathan_kogan]: to find we are solely in the
search of the truth that is it and

[jonathan_kogan]: sometimes that requires opinion havedifferent opinions and
let me tell you what i think about

[jonathan_kogan]: people of different opinions i love you
that's it that's it shocker right something you

[jonathan_kogan]: don't hear nowadays and that's why this
podcast is a political and we're taking it

[jonathan_kogan]: we're blowing through the internet making it
to the top we're goin to be one

[jonathan_kogan]: of the top twitter podcast in the
world but that's not here nor there so

[jonathan_kogan]: first clip them if you probably if
you're only watching mainstream news you probably don't

[jonathan_kogan]: even know what the twitter files are
or you think it's like like like nothing

[jonathan_kogan]: burgher m it's a huge deal it's
the it's it's the partnership of big tech

[jonathan_kogan]: and the f b i or government
agencies and big tech social media companies joining

[jonathan_kogan]: forces to censor americans free speech all
free speech but america because our first amendment

[jonathan_kogan]: is the protection of free speech fusion
of government agencies and large technology companies partnership

[jonathan_kogan]: doing private meetings with one another top
secret meetings to censor people that right there

[jonathan_kogan]: that is the technical definition of fascism
that's the technical okay but we don't want

[jonathan_kogan]: to throw words around the people of
throwing round oh fahsmnnono we don't do that

[jonathan_kogan]: so that's just not good for you
and i okay you know we've been peasants

[jonathan_kogan]: we've always been peasants will always be
peasants it's just not in the cards for

[jonathan_kogan]: us to be elite that's fine you
know i think personally being elite sucks i

[jonathan_kogan]: mean i have no idea i'm not
elite but i imagine being a peasant is

[jonathan_kogan]: great and guess what i do know
what that's like because i am one so

[jonathan_kogan]: it is fantastic do you have a
good life you don't sucks for you but

[jonathan_kogan]: a lot of peasants do have good
lives and if you don't have a good

[jonathan_kogan]: life we can make that life right
because we take advantage of the moment we

[jonathan_kogan]: elevate ourselves to new levels okay we
bring our consciousness up we raise people around

[jonathan_kogan]: us with good vibes and energy and
we take this to the moon with good

[jonathan_kogan]: spirits love people freedom everything okay i
love anything things with just one word just

[jonathan_kogan]: positive words love freedom okay so here
we go first clip is from far right

[jonathan_kogan]: active is glen green wall and i'm
just i mean if you read somethin from

[jonathan_kogan]: the main stream news you'll probably read
glengreenwald is a far right conspiracy theorist he's

[jonathan_kogan]: not obviously he would be a typical
what we would refer to in the old

[jonathan_kogan]: days as a democrat a liberal democrat
i guess he's echnially still liberal but the

[jonathan_kogan]: democratic party is not the democratic party
that it was um where back in the

[jonathan_kogan]: day they supported the a c l
u to protect free speech of noses totally

[jonathan_kogan]: disagreed with them obviously but protected their
right to free speech it was a big

[jonathan_kogan]: thing they were very i wor right
they protested venom rightfully so but now the

[jonathan_kogan]: left or the far left is very
pro war they love war they love death

[jonathan_kogan]: and their anti free speech for whatever
reason because they think censorship loves they love

[jonathan_kogan]: every every government every history textbook that
talks about censorship every one of those societies

[jonathan_kogan]: turned out to be so prosperous and
so free and so loving i mean just

[jonathan_kogan]: think about the old soviet union just
like you know think about my in tin

[jonathan_kogan]: everything was great yes okay okay okay
yes yes in china there was a mass

[jonathan_kogan]: fan that killed like fifty million people
but whatever and in soviet union i think

[jonathan_kogan]: a hundred million were killed whatever it
just wasn't done correctly okay it wasn't done

[jonathan_kogan]: correctly if we do censorship correctly like
we're doing this time it loves you the

[jonathan_kogan]: practice is to protect you because you
didn't know this but you can't handle information

[jonathan_kogan]: okay first of let me make it
very clear to you since thy don't just

[jonathan_kogan]: tell you you're too stupid you're too
dumb okay first of all you're dumb if

[jonathan_kogan]: you didnt know you're dumb you're dumb
okay you can't decipher truth from fiction so

[jonathan_kogan]: i need to do that are you
okay you cannot handle information it is so

[jonathan_kogan]: dangerous and so potent if you read
information t was hurtful you that'd be it

[jonathan_kogan]: your life is over it's done collapse
boom you pass out you would just pass

[jonathan_kogan]: out that would be the end of
the world so let me tell you i

[jonathan_kogan]: give you the information i tell you
and don't you dare do your own research

[jonathan_kogan]: because if you do your own research
you hate democracy okay if you do your

[jonathan_kogan]: own research you hate grandma okay and
again if you do your own research you're

[jonathan_kogan]: as c bag that's it what a
word scum bag was scum bag oh my

[jonathan_kogan]: god got a bag of potatoes all
right far right activist glenn greenwald and if

[jonathan_kogan]: you don't know who he is he's
the one who exposed the n s a

[jonathan_kogan]: actually spying inwards towards the americans which
is illegal edward snowdon is the one who

[jonathan_kogan]: uh whistle blow that was a whistle
blower who now can no longer come to

[jonathan_kogan]: america because we protect whistle blowers now
we don't protect whistle blowers he has to

[jonathan_kogan]: stay in russia all right because we
hate what blowers because where are democracy and

[jonathan_kogan]: democracies hate whistle blowers if you thought
it was different shut your mouth turn off

[jonathan_kogan]: your mind listen to what i tell
you and do not i repeat do not

[jonathan_kogan]: think for yourself you understand good i'm
glad we're on the same page but there

[jonathan_kogan]: was the senator senator church you're going
to hear it i'm gonna i'm actually gonna

[jonathan_kogan]: play the intro to the video that
glen talks about then the video of forty

[jonathan_kogan]: five years ago this senator saying that
we have the capabilities of controlling all information

[jonathan_kogan]: and it's for foreign adversaries and you
know potential foreign enemies but his worry was

[jonathan_kogan]: it can turn inward against the american
people and that could be that could lead

[jonathan_kogan]: to complete tyranny well we fell asleep
forty five years ago we popped up in

[jonathan_kogan]: two thousand twenty two and we're here
baby we're here we are here we're in

[jonathan_kogan]: it were in the moment and listen
podcasts like this are trying to fight we're

[jonathan_kogan]: trying to keep freedom cool and it's
pretty pretty cool this this clip is amazing

[jonathan_kogan]: and then actually after the clip glenn
gives his little little comment commentary about how

[jonathan_kogan]: the use of the left have become
totally inverted the right has always been messed

[jonathan_kogan]: up okay so nothing new there but
the left inverted totally to pro war you

[jonathan_kogan]: know anti worker you know like there
was sppoedtobe a railroad strike for workers for

[jonathan_kogan]: like six days not but that boom
shut that down baby joe bidin the best

[jonathan_kogan]: pro union president of all time are
we gonna give the railway workers what they

[jonathan_kogan]: want hell no we're not going to
do that we are going to side with

[jonathan_kogan]: the corporations because we love the workers
oh that doesn't make sense yeah it doesn't

[jonathan_kogan]: make sense shut off your mind and
listen to what i say all right let

[jonathan_kogan]: me get into the clip because you're
probably getting sick of hearing this actually before

[jonathan_kogan]: i play the clip i have something
funny to get into this is a real

[jonathan_kogan]: statement from our watching i'll read it
is a real statement from the f b

[jonathan_kogan]: i f b i statement on twitter
the department a justice federal barrbrrew of investigation

[jonathan_kogan]: after the twitter file dumps it says
quote the f b i it is unfortunate

[jonathan_kogan]: that conspiracy theorists and others are feeding
the american public misinformation with the sole purpose

[jonathan_kogan]: of attempting to discredit the agency that's
a real statement and the comment from kim

[jonathan_kogan]: dot com is when you thought the
world couldn't get crazier the f b a

[jonathan_kogan]: n f b i now claims that
the words of its own agents in tons

[jonathan_kogan]: of emails which there were email literally
from f b i agents to twitter executives

[jonathan_kogan]: back and forth that's what t was
revealed that its own agents and tons of

[jonathan_kogan]: emails revealed by twitter files are conspiracy
theories and misinformation and as you've learned on

[jonathan_kogan]: this podcast when you hear conspiracy theories
when you hear miss dis ball information you

[jonathan_kogan]: should research for the no don't you
dare research i'll research for you don't you

[jonathan_kogan]: dare research the internet is dangerous you
can not handle it you thought you were

[jonathan_kogan]: handling the internet all these years you
were wrong you were wrong you're weak you're

[jonathan_kogan]: dumb i'm just kidding you're not any
of those you're cool i don't know i

[jonathan_kogan]: you're cool but you're definitely not weak
and actually i guess you could be one

[jonathan_kogan]: of the other but i don't think
you are i'm gonna take i'm gonna roll

[jonathan_kogan]: the dice if you listen to this
podcast you're probably not wel you're definitely not

[jonathan_kogan]: so here we go here's the clip
from glengrewall by the way he has a

[jonathan_kogan]: new show um he's a truth teller
we don't agree on a lot of stuf

[jonathan_kogan]: but he's a truth teller we don't
care if we agree on so we just

[jonathan_kogan]: care if the telling the truth so
it's the f b i is exposed propaganda

[jonathan_kogan]: partnership with big tech on his new
exclusive rumble show this is just a he

[jonathan_kogan]: plays previews on on youtube but this
covers what i want to cover so i'm

[jonathan_kogan]: playing off youtube i should just played
off rumble i hate giving you tube business

[jonathan_kogan]: i'm on you tube ight now love
you guys love you guys so much you

[jonathan_kogan]: guys are the best my favorite um
here we go so this is his new

[jonathan_kogan]: show it's called system up date and
by the way he rumbles doing a great

[jonathan_kogan]: job getting true tellers and trying to
break through media and create their their paying

[jonathan_kogan]: he topped like top creators to have
exclusive shows on rumble like for example they

[jonathan_kogan]: got russell brand who's fantastic they got
kim iverson who's fantastic they got green wall

[jonathan_kogan]: now is fantastic and one day yep
they will have the jonathan cogan show trust

[jonathan_kogan]: me i'm tweeting up to a zoo
to get their attention but that's not interested

[jonathan_kogan]: yet so it's going to cost no
more money in the future no big deal

[jonathan_kogan]: it's all good all igh here we
go glen take it away

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[jonathan_kogan]: it

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[jonathan_kogan]: so i'll stop that there so he's
right everyting has become inverted they've totally inverted

[jonathan_kogan]: values the world and people who are
being fooled i mean they everything s inverted

[jonathan_kogan]: it's wild so this is a huge
deal this is maybe one of the biggest

[jonathan_kogan]: stories of our lifetime definitely of my
lifetime and definitely of my adult lifetime okay

[jonathan_kogan]: when our first amendment at least in
america and other countries that might be different

[jonathan_kogan]: guys don't have this first amendment which
is i never knew how important it was

[jonathan_kogan]: and i also for the record never
knew the second amendment i thought the second

[jonathan_kogan]: menment was like you know protect yourself
against your neighbor like you know have a

[jonathan_kogan]: gun for whatever isn't and i'm not
a gun got never even held a gun

[jonathan_kogan]: the real reason for the second amendment
is to protect to protect you against tyranny

[jonathan_kogan]: is to protect you it's to keep
your own government in check so if it

[jonathan_kogan]: ever became a totalitarian government the people
had guns to fight i not saying that

[jonathan_kogan]: they would be successful but at least
it makes the government think twice that's why

[jonathan_kogan]: they're so important that's why the second
amendment is legit like that's wild and i'm

[jonathan_kogan]: not a young guy not a young
guy never have been i don't know probably

[jonathan_kogan]: well be who knows but it's important
is to protect against tyranny that's what it's

[jonathan_kogan]: really for the first one is even
more important to protect against tyranny freedom of

[jonathan_kogan]: speech is can't even believe that journalists
in the mainstream media are pro censorship when

[jonathan_kogan]: the the values of journalists in the
main stream media is literally to hold the

[jonathan_kogan]: most powerful people in power or in
the government and check them and to keep

[jonathan_kogan]: them accountable right and that requires free
speech because if the government censoring they're not

[jonathan_kogan]: going to tell the real stories and
you're seeing that literally in real time the

[jonathan_kogan]: twitter files is a direct violation of
the first amendment of the united states and

[jonathan_kogan]: for some reason it is so honestly
they should be so ashamed of themselves these

[jonathan_kogan]: journalists to be pro censorship as a
journalist is the biggest ox moron of all

[jonathan_kogan]: time okay you can't be a pro
censorship journalist that doesn't it's not a thing

[jonathan_kogan]: it's like saying you're you know you're
you're a great human being murderer not the

[jonathan_kogan]: best example but you get what i'm
saying all right it's just nuts it is

[jonathan_kogan]: nuts it's so bad and there's no
there's no precedent there's no um historic society

[jonathan_kogan]: that has thrived off censorship back when
the church ran the world in the fifteen

[jonathan_kogan]: hundreds they censored science right because they
wanted to control everything they told the people

[jonathan_kogan]: what they needed to know right it
was a huge censorship regime right then the

[jonathan_kogan]: gun burgh press came out and exposed
all of it than they ve been playing

[jonathan_kogan]: catch up ever since right the elites
want censorship so they can always hold on

[jonathan_kogan]: power you want censorship to hold on
to the power that you have otherwise you

[jonathan_kogan]: wouldn't be so scared of free speech
and so back when that happened like galileo

[jonathan_kogan]: was reprimanded i mean even go all
the way back to the greek socrates was

[jonathan_kogan]: reprimanded like it's crazy but the church
in the fifteen hundreds would not people know

[jonathan_kogan]: science they had to know the science
of the charts kind of what we're doing

[jonathan_kogan]: now which is like you can't know
the science you have to know the fouche

[jonathan_kogan]: science you know you see hof similarities
there and if you're profile it's fantastic it's

[jonathan_kogan]: lovely it's great do i have a
problem with that for i don't care um

[jonathan_kogan]: but there's definitely similarities if you take
off your political hack hat and look at

[jonathan_kogan]: things objectively as a peasant in society
you will realize maybe john the coke is

[jonathan_kogan]: on to something okay now the x
file do you remember the x files this

[jonathan_kogan]: is a real x file show holy
suggest you go on rumble john the coan

[jonathan_kogan]: show or non youtube and watch this
sorry you're on twitter at k g z

[jonathan_kogan]: and watch it but you can listen
to it because it's still fantastic this is

[jonathan_kogan]: a x files episode just a random
episode and i got this on twitter from

[jonathan_kogan]: kim dot com and it's a good
it's a good follow i guess i'll say

[jonathan_kogan]: so he says watch this and have
your mind blown whoever wrote the script for

[jonathan_kogan]: this episode of x files has to
be a time traveller or senior deep state

[jonathan_kogan]: operative who revealed the entire plan just
forget again i'm not saying i agree disagree

[jonathan_kogan]: i'm just saying this is very enjoyable
for minute and twenty five second clip of

[jonathan_kogan]: an x files episode all right there's
three million views on this puppy all right

[jonathan_kogan]: here we go this is so good
this i'm not saying it's true not you

[jonathan_kogan]: just listen it's just interesting it's interesting
right here we go

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: oh so i just it's fascinating i'm
not saying i have no comment on it

[jonathan_kogan]: i just thought you'd enjoy it i
enjoyed it by the way talking about the

[jonathan_kogan]: banks so the w f puts out
these like videos like these mash up videos

[jonathan_kogan]: and un twitter elsewhere probably on all
their platforms and they've all come true so

[jonathan_kogan]: far like there's gonna be a viler
all this stuff um and one of them

[jonathan_kogan]: is how the banks are going to
close due to cline a change and we

[jonathan_kogan]: know early next year like the big
banks like j p morgan chase bank of

[jonathan_kogan]: america they're running a simulation like they
did in a what's it called what did

[jonathan_kogan]: the bill melinda gates foundation run the
i can't remember now not agenda what was

[jonathan_kogan]: it called i forget but when they
ran it in like six weeks before the

[jonathan_kogan]: break out they ran the simulation you
know to practice and all these things have

[jonathan_kogan]: come true that the w after like
it's like a genie okay and so one

[jonathan_kogan]: of them is and i was trying
to find it real quick is i probably

[jonathan_kogan]: won't find it fast enough but that
the banks are going to close next year

[jonathan_kogan]: due to climate change like that's the
quote unquote so i'm wondering you know if

[jonathan_kogan]: this really is a cover up for
you know a massive financial monetary system collapse

[jonathan_kogan]: sort of thing like what's going on
here but everything has come true i was

[jonathan_kogan]: looking for real quick but not going
to find in time but that's okay but

[jonathan_kogan]: they do everything has come true and
they did say that the banks will close

[jonathan_kogan]: next year due to climate change and
they have not been wrong yet so i

[jonathan_kogan]: might be able to find it real
quick i wasn't planning on playing this but

[jonathan_kogan]: i saw him like oh boy i
need to get some you know put some

[jonathan_kogan]: money in hard assets because everything they
say comes true i whatever you think of

[jonathan_kogan]: them is nothing to do with that
it's just wild that they get everything right

[jonathan_kogan]: but that's neither here nor there so
so yeah the next the next episode though

[jonathan_kogan]: that i'm goin to play is i'm
getting distracted because i'm trying to search for

[jonathan_kogan]: this but it's okay we won't do
it we'll play on another one the next

[jonathan_kogan]: episode is going to be on something
very interesting what you probably think is conspiracy

[jonathan_kogan]: do even though there's literally government documents
tat will get into but what do you

[jonathan_kogan]: know the tri state city network tri
state city what do you know about mega

[jonathan_kogan]: cities so just a pre view in
the netherlands okay they are trying to eliminate

[jonathan_kogan]: eleven thousand and two hundred farms guess
how many farms there are in the netherlands

[jonathan_kogan]: like eleven thousand one hundred and twenty
so maybe another koinkadink right another coincidence that

[jonathan_kogan]: the amount of farms they want to
eliminate is the same amount of farms that

[jonathan_kogan]: they have in the higher netherlands netherlands
second large agricultural exporter of meat and all

[jonathan_kogan]: that food behind the united cities of
america so massive massive massive massive and what

[jonathan_kogan]: they want to do is the tri
state sitting network and elsewhere they're building a

[jonathan_kogan]: mega city in saudi arabia but now
they want to build a mega city where

[jonathan_kogan]: these farms are part of the nether
it's to berlin and basically would house i

[jonathan_kogan]: believe they have forty five million people
in this area right they're trying to get

[jonathan_kogan]: this huge megacity area they want to
look at the rail city in saudi arabia

[jonathan_kogan]: they want everybody these like legal small
places right that have like ten minutes to

[jonathan_kogan]: go to school ten minutes ago to
grocery store ten minutes to no cars for

[jonathan_kogan]: climate change so it's all in the
name of climate change whether that's you agree

[jonathan_kogan]: or don't agree in something point i'm
just telling you what's coming down the road

[jonathan_kogan]: and it's called this one and we'll
get all into the government documents it's a

[jonathan_kogan]: lot to cover but perhaps it's the
real reason they want the farmers land other

[jonathan_kogan]: than obviously controlling the od but it's
called this one is called try state city

[jonathan_kogan]: and if you find on line if
you search try state city network and it

[jonathan_kogan]: says conspiracy theorist there are i'm gonna
there are government documents okay and government website

[jonathan_kogan]: it's what's it called tri state city
dot n l which is the nether lands

[jonathan_kogan]: it shows exactly how it's going to
happen it's crazy they think you're so dumb

[jonathan_kogan]: they think you're an idiot so yeah
they want this highly dense areas and they

[jonathan_kogan]: basically the elias want to have the
rest of the world to go do what

[jonathan_kogan]: they want build gates fly on his
jet plane it's his it's his guilty pleasure

[jonathan_kogan]: but you and your carbon footprint no
car for you actually you can have an

[jonathan_kogan]: electric car and if we don't want
you to drive we'll turn it off that's

[jonathan_kogan]: not her nor there we're going to
get into the tri state city it's very

[jonathan_kogan]: very interesting later today and i think
that's it for now subscribe to the jonathan

[jonathan_kogan]: cogan show wherever you listen to your
podcast share with three people if you share

[jonathan_kogan]: with four people you get a prize
i'm just going don't get a but you

[jonathan_kogan]: help repell this to the top because
we're trying we're trying to make truth cool

[jonathan_kogan]: again we're trying to make a political
mindsets cool again and again we are not

[jonathan_kogan]: only do we not belie politics were
anti politics we are taking a hard stand

[jonathan_kogan]: we are anti deviciveness okay we like
togetherness we like love we love nothing political

[jonathan_kogan]: we love freedom we love leave us
alone and let us live our lives old

[jonathan_kogan]: fashioned maybe perhaps i don't know but
we don't partake in party agenda we just

[jonathan_kogan]: look for the objective truth and prepare
us for the best future and listen next

[jonathan_kogan]: eight years are gonna be little rocky
gender twenty thirty vision twenty a lot of

[jonathan_kogan]: twenty thirty lot of twenty thirty goals
we got going on here and we're just

[jonathan_kogan]: trying to prepare this world for the
best twenty thirty so that you own something

[jonathan_kogan]: and that you be happy because claus
wants you to own nothing and have no

[jonathan_kogan]: privacy and you've never been happier but
we're going to let your own stuff and

[jonathan_kogan]: we're going to give you privacy so
weird that web three an all the stuff

[jonathan_kogan]: is happening right now to wild wild
wild it's a race against tyranny and you

[jonathan_kogan]: know individual sovereign individual freedom it's going
to be a wild wild time um so

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah that's all i got for today
subscribe share with a friend watch on twitter

[jonathan_kogan]: you tube rumble and that's all i
got i love you by peace love all

[jonathan_kogan]: right i'll see you later bye

The FBI’s Exposed Propaganda Partnership with Big Tech - #136
Broadcast by