Fairways of Fate: Jordan Poyer, Trump's Golf Course, and the Twist of a Sponsor's Hand - #205

Jonathan Kogan:
What's up everybody. Welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show. I'm your host, Johnny K. It's great to be with you. It's the last day of June, 2023, huge stuff ahead. Like July, August, September, even November, December. Did I say September? All of those months are ahead. And then again and again, because life is just getting started. And I was thinking, and what we're going to do is I said, I'm going to translate this to podcasting from Twitter on Twitter. I wrote. I'm going to bring people together one tweet at a time. Well, one of our missions of The Jonathan Kogan Show is bringing people together one podcast at a time, okay? This is the number one apolitical podcast in the world. Obviously. Why? Because we're the only apolitical podcast in the world, so therefore we're number one. No biases, no corruption, no capture. You know, none of that garbage, okay? We just tell the truth. Sometimes it's uncomfortable. Sometimes it's fantastic. Although, you know, things, the way that things are going, it's been, you know, pretty awful. But at least you're getting the data you need to use your critical thinking, because you know what we're doing? We're making critical thinking great again. We're making it cool. We're making it awesome. Your brain functioning, using those brain cells, okay? The ones that have been crushed by the elites, okay? Dumbing you down for generations. Generations, for decades. They're trying to make you into an idiot, but you want to know what? You're not an idiot. You're really smart. And actually you might not be really smart, but you're smarter than they think you are. That's for sure. You still might be an idiot on the scale, but you're definitely smarter than they give you credit for. I know that. Okay. Cause you're a human and you recognize when people are lying to you and when people are telling you the truth, you could tell, okay, you can feel it in your bones. Go with your gut. Go with your microbiome. All right, before we get started, please subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show. We're gonna get your podcasts, subscribe to the YouTube channel for however long we're gonna have it. The Rumble channel, that's more important. And Twitter, at KOGZ, we post it all there too. You can do 2X speed, very, very cool. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Let's get started. Bringing people together, one podcast at a time. We're gonna play actually many clubs, but we're starting off with Jordan Poyer. Pro Bowl, all-pro. I think he was all-pro, definitely Pro Bowl. Safety of the Buffalo Bills. Fantastic defense, really good football team. could win the Super Bowl next year. Now I think the Cleveland Browns are going to win the Super Bowl next year, but the Buffalo Bills are definitely in the running. So he's an amazing safety. Very, very, very good. Now he's doing a charity event in his second favorite golf course, which happens to be in South Florida, and it is Trump Trump's golf course in Doral. And it's a charity event. Okay, forget where it is. It is a charity event to help other humans who need help. And what happened was there was pressure put on the biggest sponsor and other teams that were playing part in this golf tournament to not show up and not participate because it's at Trump Trump's golf course. Okay. Now I got a lot of videos to play from him, but thankfully there is a company public square that came in to sponsor the whole event, take the place of this big sponsor and the event is going on. But I want to play a series of videos from him, starting with the good news that he just came on and said that the tournament's back on because public square stood up and said, you know what, we're gonna put politics aside and we're gonna help the charity, the cause. What people need to figure out is this divisiveness, this artificially created division in society is intentional from the elites and the mainstream media who control everything to divide you against your fellow peasants. The truth is you don't hate your fellow peasants. Okay. They just want to put pressure and divisiveness. I mean, just look at the elites, how they talk. You'll see the presence say things like just so harsh. You get blame half the country is, is our terrorists. Like, you know what? Like you can't be doing that. That is artificially created division. Okay. If you're on the left, go talk to someone from the right. And I guarantee you have way more in common than you don't. And if you're aware, if you're on the right, go talk to someone on the left. And I guarantee you have. Much more, way more. I bet you have 85% of things in common. Assuming that on both sides, neither of those people have lost their minds. I'm talking about the people who still have sanity, OK, which I believe is around 95% of the country. 95% of the world. OK, this artificially created nut cases are very small percentage. It's all fake. It's all fabricated. So I just want to get public square credit. If you want to sponsor this show and you know, public square, you could sponsor the John the Cogan show, but we will not be told what to say and we will not. You cannot affect the creative of this podcast because we stay true to our people. And that's you. That's us. That's everybody that is listening to this or watching this perhaps. All right. So first clip is he went on Fox news to explain, uh, what happened that they're back on and so, uh, just take a listen to this short clip and then we're going to play what he posted on his Instagram. And we're going to realize that. The purpose of life. is to help one another, to lift each other up. Dad, oh, how can I help you? You know, you're having a good day, you're having a bad day. Oh my God, oh my God. Not, first of all, not taking people's speech away, whether it's on the internet or real life, you know, shutting people down from society, taking their jobs unless they do something on behalf of the government. Like, no, no. You help one another, you don't yell at one another. So we're bringing the people together once and for all. Someone's gotta do it and we're stepping up to the plate because someone's gotta do it. And so we're going to do it. And guess what? We don't apologize for that at all. So here's the first clip. with, uh, here he is. All right, here we go. All right, so that's the first clip. All right, very important. Now two other clips, and then we're gonna get into two separate ones, which are just really, really good clips, because I am one of the best clippers of videos out there, just because we consume a lot of content to get you the truth that I clip so much. So you might wanna follow at cogs on Twitter. It's just really, really good. But anyways, so on Jordan's Instagram, he posted this six days ago, and I think this is an important video. Why? He's speaking authentically and he's talking about how this division, at least in America, but really it's in the quote unquote West, is ridiculous. It's ridiculous. And what I've been saying on this podcast for however long this podcast exists is it's not real. Okay. It's not real. The people are being really divisive, have either lost their minds or they're being paid for that agenda. And I could tell like nine out of 10 of them are being paid for the agenda. people willing to take money to push division amongst his own people. Now that is a whole different category. Borderline evil. Not good, but you have to recognize it and then you can just disregard it as parody is comedy. It's like a joke. It's unbelievable. Okay. It's just funny to see. I'm just telling you, if you go out in the real world and you talk to other human beings as a kind human, 9.876, that is a mathematical calculation of them. Out of 10. are going to be awesome. Absolutely awesome, okay? Very important. Now here's this clip. I don't know how much I'll play. We'll see how it goes. But it's very important for you to listen. This is a professional NFL football player. I think he's mixed race, not that matters at all. He's a human, okay? But just listen to this. I think this is important. We're doing a whole podcast on this. That's why it's important. Here we go. So. What the fuck are we doing out here? Excuse my language, but what are we doing out here? Is he wrong? No, because he's not wrong. The point is, is that we have much more in common across us than we have that divides us. And apparently people are forgetting this, intentionally forgetting this. I don't know what the deal is, but it's time. OK. And I'm going to actually play a great clip to show it's. Finally time. Okay, Joe Rogan, who's been very influential in this movement, I have to say. So big props to him, fellow podcaster. Just had on Ice Cube and on the, was it the last episode where I played Ice Cube's clip at the end of the episode? I think it was literally the last one where he was going on, this is his words, not mine. Fuck the Gatekeepers podcast tour, okay? And he's like, you know who they are, we know who they are, they know we know who they are. Was that the Schulz, the Schulz-Nitzan? quote or whatever they know, we know, they know. Yeah. Um, and his first stop on the podcast tour was Joe Rogan. First of all, that way, what an unbelievable, uh, ability to just say, you're going to go on and fuck the gatekeepers podcast. You're in the first one you can go on as the largest podcast in the world. That is good poll right there. Impressive. So I clicked this, uh, I think it's six minutes. Um, but this is really, really good. Uh, so again, ice cube was on Joe Rogan and they talk, uh, about some good stuff. You haven't listed. It's very, very good. Um, but they talk about RFK where the country is and kind of like, can we, you know, can people wake up in time? Can people wake up in time to stop what's going on and bring the world either back to sanity or to a better place than it was before? You know, it's very basic stuff. So, um, again, this is Ice Cube after we just played his, uh, video on the last podcast talking about he's going on his podcast tour. His first stop is Joe Rokin. Actually, I think it's a really important clip. This is worth the listen. The whole thing, six minutes, nine seconds. Here we go. So, important takeaway there is when you self-censor, they win, you lose. That's the end game. Any society where people have censored the other people, the people who are doing the censoring were never the good guys, ever. People trying to control speech were never the heroes, ever. And how we got to this society... where people think, you know, censorship under the guise of hate speech, all this stuff, they wish have the government control everything, even though during the last pandemic, they literally did the inverse, the perfect inverse of what you would do if you wanted to save lives. You want those same people to monitor speech? Are you joking me? It's time to stop self-censoring. You can't self-censor. That's the last straw. When you are afraid to exercise your first amendment, at least in the U S freedom of speech, when you're afraid to say stuff and you self-censor. The game eventually ends. You must speak out. You must share stuff like this with other people. You must stand up for what's right. You know, what's right. That's the crazy part. You're just scared and we have a crisis of courage. I've said it before. And I've also said courage is more contagious than fear. If more people stood up and did the right thing and stood for the people the peasants us you and I we can get out of this thing. They're one pandemic away, one freak show away with the WHO pandemic treaty. You know, you get France is literally on fire right now, like real fire. Like people are getting shot. Things are chaos there. They're trying to bring chaos to every country. Then you can control the masses. Chaos isn't normal. Maybe, oh, they're doing drills right now in Ukraine with the, with the nuclear power plant. Okay. Now I don't want to get into who's going to build about, but I'm just saying There are forces out there that are willing. Well, obviously there's a war going on. They're willing to risk tons and tons of, of lives of particularly young men, hundreds of thousands dying, Ukrainians, Russians, they don't care. They're thinking in their heads, these depopulation people are like, Hey, maybe nuclear war is not so bad. They're they, they don't care about climate change. They don't care about you. Okay. A war is one of the most polluting things you could possibly do. Okay, Greta Thunberg, Thumber, whatever her name is, went to go visit Zalinski, who is like the bitch. She's supposed to be the biggest environmentalist. You would think she would say, hey, you should call for peace or we should figure out we should start at least talking about some plan where we can get to peace, where everybody's OK. Not encouraging more war. You would think war is a major pollutant to the atmosphere. You would think you would think. That's why everything's upside down. Left is right up is down. Nothing makes sense anymore. Nothing makes sense. OK, nothing makes sense. By the way, we are going to start streaming soon, maybe next month. Definitely. So all right. Now I got another clip for you. That was a good clip, wasn't it? This clip is luckily I got it because YouTube censored this video. I actually didn't get to finish it because I paused and I went back and was delete off YouTube. So delete for my downloads. But this is from Real AF with Andy for Sela. Great podcast. Another truth teller to minute 42 seconds. It's not very familiar to what we see on this podcast. I just think he says it very says it very well. Basically what he's saying, he talks about what we talk about on this podcast, which is the projection aspect of what's going on. They tell you the exact opposite of what's happening and then they do it themselves is unbelievable. So everything they say the opposite is true. This is a almost two minutes, a little bit shorter than two minutes. This clip is, is good. It's going to make a lot of sense to you. I promise. Uh, well worth the listen again, Andy for seller from real AF. Here we go. So, that's true. That's an uncomfortable truth, but it's true. All right. And we need to start having more people speak truths. It can't just be Andy. It can't just be Jonathan. It's got to be more people. We need to create this army of truth tellers, of people who want the world to be a better place, people who don't want to bend the knee to Klaus and all his friends at WEF. I don't know why you'd want to do that. Why these low level people, like people that I know, like want to do that? I don't understand. It makes no sense. It's the weirdest thing ever. Okay, it's the weirdest thing ever. All right. Just cause you don't want to bend the knee to tyranny doesn't make you a right wing extremists. Okay. It makes you a proud peasant. Okay. That wants freedom and wants rights. Now they want to take away all your rights and say, Oh, you know what? We're going to give you the opportunity to work and make money. That's your gift. Okay. We're going to take away your job and then we're going to give it to you as a reward. How's that? We're going to let you work for a salary as a reward. Yes, things will cost a lot more. Your salary will not get you as far, but at least you'll have a salary. Or like, now you can go in public. You don't need to lock down anymore. You used to walk around everywhere, but now we're gonna allow you to go to any restaurant you want. How cool is that? Think about that. They're just taking away shit that you used to have forever, all these rights, and then giving you them back as if they're prices. What are we doing here? This is insanity. What is going on? It's like, it's like me going to buy a candy bar. They take the candy bar away. And the next day they bring it back and they go, hey, you want a candy bar? That was a terrible analogy, but you know what I'm talking about. It makes perfect sense. So everything's chaos. Nothing makes sense. It's just totally crazy. And the people that are going along with this, the people that are going along with this that happen to be like independent creators or streamers or like low-level journalists. And by journalists, I mean quotation journalists because those journalists, quote unquote, Our for censorship, our pro tyranny, our anti free speech, our anti journalism, but they're called journalists somehow. Uh, they're somehow working on behalf of the regime. And I have no idea why those are the first people that get axed. I mean, it's crazy. It's so weird. People are cheering this on, cheering this on. And then boom, they get total totalitarian control and boom, they're sent to the Gulag. What is going on? What are people thinking? Learn history. Just go read. There's tons of books. You got the internet. You got internet. It's free. Just go learn, go learn, read. But if you say, hey, I'm gonna do my own research, I could say, right-wing extremist, Trump-er. Like what, what? Since when is doing your own research a Republican thing? Doing your own research is a researching thing. It is called reading, all right? It's good for the mind, body, and soul, all right? And they are hoping that you're dumb enough to listen to that and be like, all right, fine. If I read, I'm a right-wing extremist, I don't wanna be that, that's crazy, that's crazy. Um, yeah, you know, we gotta bring people together. We gotta bring people together. That's really all this is about. Um, and just to show you how crazy things are. Last thing I'll say is there's this video that went around of this, uh, quote unquote, right wing extremist group, Patriot front. I don't know if you saw this, but they, these, there was like MAGA people and then these like Patriot front people are, which are supposedly right wing. Also, they got a fight and these MAGA people. took off these, you know, they were like khaki pants, they're perfectly ripped and they, you know, they wear face coverings. They took off the face coverings and people got pictures of it and then they looked up these pictures online and there's a high probability that these people are feds. Like literally federal agents undercover. So these, these groups aren't even real. They're not real. Almost everything's fabricated. It's unbelievable. It's just crazy. Go look that up yourself. It's just unbelievable. It's crazy. So we're bringing people together one tweet at a time, one podcast at a time, one word is a time. one love at a time, whatever that means. All right. So that's all I got today. We're gonna bring The Jonathan Kogan Show. We're gonna be streaming hours in July. We're gonna do podcasts. We're gonna try and do it every day. And we're just gonna bring you the facts. Uncomfortable, comfortable, I don't care. I'm not here to make you feel good. I'm here to tell you the truth. Someone's gotta do it, so I'm gonna do it, okay? Someone needs to have the courage to step up. Well, I'm gonna have the courage to step up. Why? Because someone's got to do it otherwise. Boom, you're in a gulag. You're in a FEMA camp. We're not doing that. We're not going there. We got kids to protect. You know, we got families to hold together. We got freedom to protect. We got freedom of speech. Shit. The people died for like hundreds of years ago. Not, not even that long ago, people die for freedom and you're just trying to give it away. You're going to give it away. Are you out of your mind? Well, we're not giving away on this podcast. Hell no. Ain't going to happen over here. So on that note, please subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show, wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe to the Rumble channel, share the Rumble channel, share the podcast, share clips, share whatever you want. Just get the word out for the people of the people, by the people, the people, the people, the people. That's who we stand for. That's what we do on this podcast. I love you. I hope you love yourself. I hope you love your family. I hope you love freedom. I hope you love the world. I hope you love earth. And I hope you hate divisiveness and you wanna bring people together. Cause if you do, you're in the community forever. If not, you're out. That's the only thing you have to be pro community. All right Anti-division anti-nuclear war pro-human pro-earth. Those are our principles. Very basic, please subscribe to the podcast Share the video share the channel share the podcast. That's all i'm saying Uh and at ko gz on twitter. Thanks for being a part of this movement Number one apolitical podcast in the world. I love you. I do love you. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye

Fairways of Fate: Jordan Poyer, Trump's Golf Course, and the Twist of a Sponsor's Hand - #205
Broadcast by