Excess deaths - #113

Something weird is happening and it is not being covered by the mainstream media. A large number of people are dying and doctors don't know why.

[jonathan_kogan]: we are live we're live on you
tube we're live on rumble we're alive on

[jonathan_kogan]: twitter we are so why brace yourselves
we're not live on facebook but that's okay

[jonathan_kogan]: that's okay we do not want to
support facebook too much so that's okay welcome

[jonathan_kogan]: to the second part it's nice to
be back on youtube it's interesting very interesting

[jonathan_kogan]: vibes we'll see how far this one
gets so what are we looking in to

[jonathan_kogan]: has promised something that weirdly is not
being investigated on sure why it's not being

[jonathan_kogan]: investigated excess deaths excess deaths that are
actually higher then they were last year or

[jonathan_kogan]: the year before when all the rage
was to look into these deaths but now

[jonathan_kogan]: we're not so a lot to get
into funeral business is booming alex barenson's most

[jonathan_kogan]: recent not his most recent sub stack
but one of them is the funeral business

[jonathan_kogan]: is booming and i'm gonna pay a
video here shortly with dr john campbell the

[jonathan_kogan]: people's youtube doctor i guess we'll call
him not realy sure what to call him

[jonathan_kogan]: but alec i want to over this
first the funeral business is booming and it's

[jonathan_kogan]: not because of you know that's my
code of us of saying c v i

[jonathan_kogan]: d how bad is the rise of
mortality so bad funeral companies are starting to

[jonathan_kogan]: worry today service corporation international the largest
for profit funeral operator in north america had

[jonathan_kogan]: its quarterly earnings called s c i
had another great quarter you'll be pleased to

[jonathan_kogan]: hear so far in twenty twenty two
the company has made almost five hundred million

[jonathan_kogan]: dollars and profits and its stop rose
more than ten per cent today after his

[jonathan_kogan]: earnings report and this was november second
only a couple o days ago here's a

[jonathan_kogan]: stock chart just booming just right through
the roof so c s management seems fairly

[jonathan_kogan]: open with its investors for many years
much of the company's growth came from buying

[jonathan_kogan]: family run funeral homes as their operators
died out the underlying funeral business is slow

[jonathan_kogan]: growth very predictable at least it used
to be and so he said in his

[jonathan_kogan]: investors in wednesday in wednesday morning quote
if you go back in this industry and

[jonathan_kogan]: particularly with year to year you would
see the number of dead probably in one

[jonathan_kogan]: year you may be down one percent
or two percent in the next year you're

[jonathan_kogan]: up one per cent or two percent
which you could predict was pretty good accuracy

[jonathan_kogan]: over a year and over a big
footprint like ours what was probably going to

[jonathan_kogan]: happen in other words it's easy to
predict twenty twenty comes along and game change

[jonathan_kogan]: right we're having to do at one
point of time twenty percent more funerals which

[jonathan_kogan]: is unheard of in a year versus
let's say a year or two before so

[jonathan_kogan]: service corporation expected that once past it
business would go back to normal but quote

[jonathan_kogan]: what we would have expected is why
wouldn't we go back towards let's say a

[jonathan_kogan]: twenty nineteen level that's what we would
guess maybe get maybe you would get a

[jonathan_kogan]: per cent or so or so growth
twenty nineteen i would expect that so that

[jonathan_kogan]: would be a reasonable level that we
would think would stabilize and that's kind of

[jonathan_kogan]: what we anticipated but that isn't what
happened so what happened was is quote what

[jonathan_kogan]: we're telling you is the third quarter
this year twenty two we did fifteen percent

[jonathan_kogan]: more calls than we did in the
third quarter of twenty nineteen that is not

[jonathan_kogan]: what anybody would have anticipated and that
has just a very dominimous amount of death

[jonathan_kogan]: it okay so people are dying at
higher rates than we would expect um something

[jonathan_kogan]: doesn't map to being passed and uh
nobody's asking questions there's no death ticker on

[jonathan_kogan]: the news there's no there's not even
an article it's actually like silence you can't

[jonathan_kogan]: even hear anything you can't hear anything
you know why because he's no more vaccinations

[jonathan_kogan]: to sell as joe joe would say
so let's let's go to the people's doctor

[jonathan_kogan]: let's listen to he just posted this
yesterday on access depths i think there's two

[jonathan_kogan]: good segments to play here take a
listen and so on the screen he shows

[jonathan_kogan]: up an average oh let's play here
hold on here we go so throughout october

[jonathan_kogan]: an average of fifteen sixty four one
thousand five sixty four extra debts per week

[jonathan_kogan]: throughout twenty twenty it was only three
hundred and fifteen and throughout twenty twenty one

[jonathan_kogan]: it was thirteen hundred one three two
two take a lesson make sure okay here

[jonathan_kogan]: we go

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: oh and it's all above the line
like well above the line for july twenty

[jonathan_kogan]: twenty two just so you know

[jonathan_kogan]: and to sum it up for you
we seem to be overshooting what we expect

[jonathan_kogan]: by quite a bit

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: but don't worry don't worry nothing to
see here because you definitely knew the word

[jonathan_kogan]: my car did is before last year
or two years ago you definitely knew that

[jonathan_kogan]: ward as an eighteen right i didn't
but i'm sure you did they've probably normalized

[jonathan_kogan]: that by now um so what else
we got here so peter sweden journalist from

[jonathan_kogan]: sweden um just reported four hours ago
shocking finish i think it's what you call

[jonathan_kogan]: finland people finish death's over reported by
sixty two percent and this is why well

[jonathan_kogan]: so he's finding out that that they
over reported death during the pandemic which i

[jonathan_kogan]: don't think he's any surprise but what
i first wanted to do was he published

[jonathan_kogan]: this yesterday or november second doctor sounding
the alarm mysterious boo mysterious rise in excess

[jonathan_kogan]: deaths norwegian doctors are worried about the
situation but they're baffled something weird is happening

[jonathan_kogan]: and it is not being covered by
the main stream media a lot maybe because

[jonathan_kogan]: after they cohersyou they don't want to
tell you the truth a large number of

[jonathan_kogan]: people are down ing and doctors don't
know why they do know one thing it

[jonathan_kogan]: is not only happening in one country
it is happening in many countries at the

[jonathan_kogan]: same time countries all over europe are
seeing very high access death rates this year

[jonathan_kogan]: meanwhile the birth have also mysteriously boo
collapsed this year as well and many of

[jonathan_kogan]: the access debts are not related you
know that's code for that norwegian doctors and

[jonathan_kogan]: hospitals are now son in the alarm
but about a mysterious increase in the number

[jonathan_kogan]: of patients and they don't have we
have never we never have less than a

[jonathan_kogan]: hundred patients every day they are well
grown people with all kinds of ailments we

[jonathan_kogan]: don't understand why says i nor ross
muson leader in the norwegian organization for emergency

[jonathan_kogan]: medicine this is shocking norway has had
access mortality this year that is more than

[jonathan_kogan]: ten per cent higher than normal that
is not normal in fact it is so

[jonathan_kogan]: bad that demoographer andrea sense about sanstebo
at the norwegian statistics borough warns that a

[jonathan_kogan]: life expectancy might actually decrease this year
which would be the first since nineteen ninety

[jonathan_kogan]: seven but it's not only in nort
all over europe we are seen shocking levels

[jonathan_kogan]: of access mortality with greece having had
a wapping twenty four point three per cent

[jonathan_kogan]: more death than normal in the month
of august this year finland had access death

[jonathan_kogan]: rate sixteen point three percent and germany
i love you germany i love you had

[jonathan_kogan]: access death rate of sixteen point five
percent although germany you your country is in

[jonathan_kogan]: the worst shape for sure just all
around you guys are just getting pinned in

[jonathan_kogan]: between the fights between the east and
the west and the germans getting destroyed because

[jonathan_kogan]: of it so feel bad about that
a few months ago i wrote an article

[jonathan_kogan]: on the subject where i found that
there had been a shocking ten thousand not

[jonathan_kogan]: related access debts during just one week
end year this summer compared with last year

[jonathan_kogan]: this is really bad in england and
wales there is now over one thousand non

[jonathan_kogan]: related deaths in just one week what
is causing this after cauls ollers of research

[jonathan_kogan]: i think i found some answers that
might shock you there is a certain health

[jonathan_kogan]: pro that has seen a dramatic increase
lately that seems to be a major factor

[jonathan_kogan]: in the access death rate almost nobody
in tementiond media is talking about this so

[jonathan_kogan]: i will and then he goes on
to want to talk further about it so

[jonathan_kogan]: i want to play this last clip
of that same video with dr john campbell

[jonathan_kogan]: by the way uh and about an
investigation and you know what we should do

[jonathan_kogan]: in the scenario and you know why
is nobody looking into it et cetera et

[jonathan_kogan]: cetera so let me play this for
you real quick

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[jonathan_kogan]: and thank you dr john campbell the
people's doctor on you tube why is this

[jonathan_kogan]: not being looked into we were obsessed
if the one death is too many that

[jonathan_kogan]: was the whole thing one death is
too many can we can we look into

[jonathan_kogan]: this we look into this

[jonathan_kogan]: i mean this is crazy this is
crazy there's so much more i can cover

[jonathan_kogan]: on this but i'm going to leave
with this and i'm gonna look at it

[jonathan_kogan]: in real time which is alexparenson's tweet
which i thought was really really good and

[jonathan_kogan]: it said let me look it up
real quick for you i think he's right

[jonathan_kogan]: so we're going to end it with
this i can't believe that nobody is looking

[jonathan_kogan]: this iman this is absolutely unbelievable unbelievable
oh all right so first he said looks

[jonathan_kogan]: to me like fyzeris breaking securities laws
by failing to disclose material information about the

[jonathan_kogan]: performance of m r and ah inoculations
it's the largest product to investors yeah i

[jonathan_kogan]: decided to show the white house a
peak first without showing its investors they won't

[jonathan_kogan]: show the people but they went to
show the white house first to give im

[jonathan_kogan]: a sneak peak ah and then if
i could just find this last one and

[jonathan_kogan]: they're not publishing data fizerisn't on their
new omicron boosters but that's okay because we

[jonathan_kogan]: know they're lying anyways and won't tell
us anything and he says also we are

[jonathan_kogan]: about to see another leg down in
live births in europe now that we're approaching

[jonathan_kogan]: nine months post booster birth sank in
many countries nine months after the shots began

[jonathan_kogan]: largely have not recovered by the way
fertile a study fertility to clients so i

[jonathan_kogan]: guess we'll here we go here's the
tweet november second he goes they can lie

[jonathan_kogan]: about and spin everything except all cause
mortality deaths are the one number they can't

[jonathan_kogan]: stop reporting the one number that will
ultimately betray them and i think he's right

[jonathan_kogan]: you can't you got to report it
people being born people dying the question is

[jonathan_kogan]: justice be served well accountability happen

[jonathan_kogan]: i guess time will tell so that's
that subscribe to the john of the cogan

[jonathan_kogan]: show share the john of the cogan
show no one told you to day i

[jonathan_kogan]: love you i hope your an amazing
weekend amazing night i don't even know it

[jonathan_kogan]: doesn't matter where you are in the
world just have an amazing day do some

[jonathan_kogan]: nice for somebody else i'll make you
feel better it's a very selfish thing trust

[jonathan_kogan]: me I'll make you feel a lot
better let's make this world go around again

[jonathan_kogan]: all right take care God bless bye

Excess deaths - #113
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