Pfizer Exposed For Exploring "Mutating" C19 Virus For New Vaccines Via Directed Evolution - #149

Project Veritas did some real journalism and exposed a Pfizer executive talking about how they are exploring the possibility of "mutating" the COVID-19 virus themselves so they can create (and sell) more vaccines. It didn't stop there!
Project Veritas did some real journalism and exposed a Pfizer executive talking about how they are exploring the possibility of "mutating" the COVID-19 virus themselves so they can create (and sell) more vaccines. It didn't stop there! The executive talked about how they are injecting live viruses into monkeys so they can transmit it to other monkeys so it can eventually mutate for them to create vaccines before "nature" creates new variants! So, not only is this a crime against the people, but they are hurting/testing on animals, too!

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Pfizer Exposed For Exploring "Mutating" C19 Virus For New Vaccines Via Directed Evolution - #149
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