Kanye 'Ye' West: Do 'The Jews' control the world? - #126

Kanye 'Ye' West has been claiming that 'The Jews' run the world and I wanted to find out if this is true or not. Being an apolitical, born Jew human being, I thought there is no better person to investigate than myself. If ‘The Jews’ really did run the world, this podcast would be #1 and as of right now it isn’t. So, other forces are at play.

[jonathan_kogan]: Is and we are back on Facebook
what about that unbelievable that means we'll be

[jonathan_kogan]: kicked off shortly we're on twitter we're
on rumble we're on you tube and of

[jonathan_kogan]: course we're in or on the podcast
it's great to be with you today it's

[jonathan_kogan]: always good to be with you welcome
to The Jonathan Kogan Show please subscribe where

[jonathan_kogan]: you get your podcast if you ever
want to donate go to Patreon dot com

[jonathan_kogan]: forward slash ownership economy now let's get
to it Kanye Ye West first of all

[jonathan_kogan]: he's on Infowars right now and
that shit is bananas then is some wild

[jonathan_kogan]: stuff being said but Kanye Ye
West which we'll call Ye because he prefers

[jonathan_kogan]: to be called Ye says that Jews
run the world Jews control the world well

[jonathan_kogan]: I'm Jewish and I haven't gotten called
from Spielberg or from the Rothschilds or from

[jonathan_kogan]: George Soros well technically George Soros is
a self hating Jew who would confiscate property

[jonathan_kogan]: for the nazis back in nazi Germany
but none the less corn to Jewish standards

[jonathan_kogan]: he's a Jew what's that phrase again
no Jew left behind shit I feel like

[jonathan_kogan]: I'm left behind I feel like they
left me in the dumb star what's going

[jonathan_kogan]: on here this is crazy where's my
control I not Jewish enough what's going on

[jonathan_kogan]: this is bananas not fair not fair
in fact I got a hot take I

[jonathan_kogan]: got a hot take so Ye says
that the world is run by Jews and

[jonathan_kogan]: that may or may not be true
I don't know it may not be but

[jonathan_kogan]: I'll tell you what i'm not one
of those Jewish people I should be okay

[jonathan_kogan]: I'm very good at controlling things I
should have more power and control okay so

[jonathan_kogan]: whoever is running this game hit me
up but I got a take if Jews

[jonathan_kogan]: run the world well i think black
people run sports I think that black people

[jonathan_kogan]: run the b why are there more
Jewish players there should be more Jewish small

[jonathan_kogan]: forwards more Jewish centers and more Jewish
point guards okay okay sure there was Jordan

[jonathan_kogan]: Farmer okay he was he was a
point guard for the Lakers back up but

[jonathan_kogan]: he's not a good representation of the
Jews he stunk okay maybe he shot a

[jonathan_kogan]: good three ball every now and then
but he's not a good representation of

[jonathan_kogan]: our people he stunk okay like if
there was a guy let's say there was

[jonathan_kogan]: a guy named Abraham Goldberg okay and
he grew up in Akron he was six

[jonathan_kogan]: foot a two hundred sixty pounds ran
a four to forty had all the same

[jonathan_kogan]: opportunities as lebron james maybe we would
be talking about hey remember when abraham had

[jonathan_kogan]: that block in the finals against that
stuff he's amazing oh my god shalom muzzle

[jonathan_kogan]: tough maybe the jews would be running
the m b a i don't know i

[jonathan_kogan]: don't know it's just different takes from
all over the map we just got to

[jonathan_kogan]: talk about this stuff there should be
new there should be more jewish centers in

[jonathan_kogan]: the b but because we're like five
nine buck sixty we stink okay that block

[jonathan_kogan]: that blocked by abraham was incredible best
player ever abraham goldberg all right now let

[jonathan_kogan]: me tell you something straight this is
a comedic podcast okay every lock watch stand

[jonathan_kogan]: up comedy some people go and see
stand up comedy the purpose of this podcast

[jonathan_kogan]: is to create the first comedy podcast
that is like stand up for comedy now

[jonathan_kogan]: maybe not that was funny i think
it was good anyways talking about george sorrows

[jonathan_kogan]: being so much to get into so
i got some i got some clips to

[jonathan_kogan]: talk about with the brett wine stein
i think had a really he's a lifelong

[jonathan_kogan]: democrat very good take on what's going
on in the world i think he explains

[jonathan_kogan]: it very very well of what i've
been trying to explain over hundred plus episodes

[jonathan_kogan]: but still some people are brain washed
maybe this wil help crack it through um

[jonathan_kogan]: and then we got um m interesting
i said the life stream ended that's weird

[jonathan_kogan]: but anyways we ah then i got
in fact let me just play this clip

[jonathan_kogan]: from from from a walking out spurred
this first part of jewish people should be

[jonathan_kogan]: in the b a more and maybe
they do run the world but where's my

[jonathan_kogan]: remote control where's my power like it's
b s like no jew left behind well

[jonathan_kogan]: they left this jew behind all right
here's what here was said before he got

[jonathan_kogan]: before he walked out tim cast

[jonathan_kogan]: oh yeah yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: and he just dipped out and didn't
come back yeah so listen if jews run

[jonathan_kogan]: the world which again may not be
true i think the world is really run

[jonathan_kogan]: by about twelve families the rascal being
one of the which i believe are jewish

[jonathan_kogan]: people it ain't all jewish people unfortunately
because i should have more power okay but

[jonathan_kogan]: that's not the case no i'm just
playing i don't really want more power we

[jonathan_kogan]: don't want none of that um but
he said he feels like whatever was butting

[jonathan_kogan]: in well i feel like a lion's
biting my ass unbelievable all right so that's

[jonathan_kogan]: that was when i just want to
play that clip for you so you knew

[jonathan_kogan]: what happened now i don't know should
we get into the george saros sixty minutes

[jonathan_kogan]: interview from nine to ninety eight of
him admitting to rounding up the jews because

[jonathan_kogan]: you know i talk about george shows
being a self hating jew and i mean

[jonathan_kogan]: he's jewish not i mean he hates
jews and i was like oh you know

[jonathan_kogan]: i don't know if that's true or
not well you know maybe we'll start with

[jonathan_kogan]: this first and then we'll get into
bretwinscenes amazing take on what's going on or

[jonathan_kogan]: hypothesis he has a great hypothesis this
is a real sixty minutes interview with george

[jonathan_kogan]: the horrible human being sore rose i'm
gonna play a clip from it and then

[jonathan_kogan]: we also got justin dred talking about
how a dictatorship is interesting in how it's

[jonathan_kogan]: you know it's good because you can
move innovation on a dime this world is

[jonathan_kogan]: unbelievable unbelievable so take a listen to
this george source this is a real sixty

[jonathan_kogan]: minutes interview here we go

[jonathan_kogan]: hold on hold on it was a
little bit fast you know i wish youtube

[jonathan_kogan]: actually allows you to go more than
two times fast i'm on like i'm pretty

[jonathan_kogan]: high up i go pretty fast now
on my audio but here take listen to

[jonathan_kogan]: this here we go if you're watching
this on you tube or or rumble it's

[jonathan_kogan]: i got the video going here we
go oh

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: so that your boy george sorrows having
no guilt confiscating properties from the jews who

[jonathan_kogan]: went to death camps we should definitely
take his advice by the way he collapses

[jonathan_kogan]: currencies and destroys countries all over the
world loves open borders hates people yeah definitely

[jonathan_kogan]: take advice from that guy he rounded
up the jews being a who were going

[jonathan_kogan]: to death camps did you feel any
guilt no no of course not it wasn't

[jonathan_kogan]: even me no it wasn't me yeah
next time you read something about that guy

[jonathan_kogan]: think twice all right bad bad dude
bad dude now in fact now you talk

[jonathan_kogan]: about bad dudes let's just play this
club about trudeau trude really said this when

[jonathan_kogan]: someone says that they are the that
that they most admire of all countries tana

[jonathan_kogan]: who is literally building camps now for
their people just finishing camps in fact some

[jonathan_kogan]: are being used okay and there are
death camps right now for certain class of

[jonathan_kogan]: people there but don't worry you should
love them they make your eye phone okay

[jonathan_kogan]: but we won't talk about that it's
awful justine joe said this in a in

[jonathan_kogan]: a little like fireside chat years ago
and they say it's a gap or whatever

[jonathan_kogan]: you say it is you know what
i mean or like he didn't mean it

[jonathan_kogan]: tell me if you think he meant
this and you see like the facial expressions

[jonathan_kogan]: if your just listen to this but
for example george arise was smiling liked you

[jonathan_kogan]: have guilt no well here's to do
talking about is admiration for china and how

[jonathan_kogan]: a dictatorship is interesting

[jonathan_kogan]: he was totally serious if you saw
if you weren't watching that go find my

[jonathan_kogan]: channel on on you tube on rumble
he was a thousand per cent serious a

[jonathan_kogan]: thousand percent serious okay that is who
is running the world right now we have

[jonathan_kogan]: and they're giving you subliminal messages like
that previous podcast i did with petafilia in

[jonathan_kogan]: balenciaga because like the more i'm learning
with like you know people who are like

[jonathan_kogan]: kind of under and i'm not a
religious guy but they can forces also you

[jonathan_kogan]: explain it like like children petafelit's crazy
it's disgusting but they're like they have i

[jonathan_kogan]: guess the way like i'm learning like
satan works or supposedly is they need to

[jonathan_kogan]: you need to be rick like they
need to tell you what they're doing nd

[jonathan_kogan]: then you do it you can't be
blind to like they need to put your

[jonathan_kogan]: face so they're telling you what they're
going to do the truth gets out there

[jonathan_kogan]: one way or another and you just
choose to listen or not listen okay they

[jonathan_kogan]: have filia in your face okay in
your face the world is currently run unfortunately

[jonathan_kogan]: by petifiles by people who hate human
beings that literally want trans hume ism which

[jonathan_kogan]: maybe we're just it's just before our
time and maybe that's a really good thing

[jonathan_kogan]: but they're obsessed with trans humanism look
it up it's in their documents please go

[jonathan_kogan]: read about a gender twenty thirty this
is all real i don't port fake ship

[jonathan_kogan]: and if i'm ever wrong i tell
you okay now speaking about what's going on

[jonathan_kogan]: and who's in power people who seem
to be last to understand they're being duped

[jonathan_kogan]: are people who are die hard on
the democrat team for whatever reason okay i

[jonathan_kogan]: mean yeah they're poably the last group
because i don't know why you die hard

[jonathan_kogan]: on either team because both teams don't
serve you meaning in the u s republican

[jonathan_kogan]: democrat even independent they all serve corporate
interests not you in case forgot um but

[jonathan_kogan]: here he explains it very well there's
three different part i'm gonna play three parts

[jonathan_kogan]: here okay take a listen to brett
wine steen who is a life long democrat

[jonathan_kogan]: lifelong very liberal talk about what's potent
going on because he's had whistle blowers from

[jonathan_kogan]: the army on his podcast to talk
about what's going on and so i'll play

[jonathan_kogan]: this first part here and again there's
three parts it's very good there a couple

[jonathan_kogan]: minutes each so let's start with the
first one here we go

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: so he'll get more into that in
a second but basically and he'll describe it

[jonathan_kogan]: more n a little bit here but
he's saying chances are if you were to

[jonathan_kogan]: give people bullshit information you wouldn't be
one hundred sent wrong on everything like the

[jonathan_kogan]: exact inverse just like it's very hard
to be a hundred per cent right on

[jonathan_kogan]: everything it's equally as difficult to be
a hundred per cent wrong like if you

[jonathan_kogan]: gave someone bullshit some would be right
maybe some would be wrong you know like

[jonathan_kogan]: it wouldn't be a hundred percent either
way but the fact that it's almost a

[jonathan_kogan]: perfect one hundred per in version is
a red flag is what he's saying i

[jonathan_kogan]: think he gets more into this in
the next couple of clips so here we

[jonathan_kogan]: go i mean it's just crazy so
let's see here we go i think this

[jonathan_kogan]: is the part where he talks about
a little bit more here we go oh

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: so they get more into this he's
saying how difficult it is to do that

[jonathan_kogan]: and brett saying i don't know you
know exactly where it is i couldn't you

[jonathan_kogan]: know obviously you can't prove something like
that but is it possible because it's a

[jonathan_kogan]: pay to play model for both parties
that perhaps since they don't care about the

[jonathan_kogan]: general public and they only care about
the corporate interest and their megadoners or there

[jonathan_kogan]: you know the people who don't into
the parties that they're both serving different corporations

[jonathan_kogan]: essentially and that since other countries and
foreign interests who do want to hurt america

[jonathan_kogan]: realize it's paid to play that they
are influencing both parties just are paying doesn't

[jonathan_kogan]: atter what party they're paying and they
and because the people who are being paid

[jonathan_kogan]: the politicians do not care about the
general public they don't know they're there directly

[jonathan_kogan]: hurting the American people they just don't
care they just want to make their donors

[jonathan_kogan]: happy and those donors are being influenced
by foreign interests which are trying to destroy

[jonathan_kogan]: america potentially and so they are just
doing as their owners tell them to do

[jonathan_kogan]: which they do and because they do
not care about the american public they only

[jonathan_kogan]: care about court part ations which by
the way corporations are thriving but small business

[jonathan_kogan]: is mom and pop jobs all went
out of business and are still going out

[jonathan_kogan]: of business and energy costs are being
too high so they came and pay their

[jonathan_kogan]: electric bill more bars and pubs are
being shut down and in great britain than

[jonathan_kogan]: there were before the pandemic like during
the pandemic so are they possibly just serving

[jonathan_kogan]: different corporate structures and the clintons are
the ones that changed all that for the

[jonathan_kogan]: democratic party where the g o p
the republicans have historically been evil that way

[jonathan_kogan]: and now they both became evil and
jimmy dore talks about this all the time

[jonathan_kogan]: how both parties re pro wall street
are pro war and our anti worker and

[jonathan_kogan]: they are they are they both are
and it's crazy not to see that here's

[jonathan_kogan]: the last part and the main point
of this this podcast was about why would

[jonathan_kogan]: america be hurting our military readiness why
would we want to hurt our own military

[jonathan_kogan]: readiness people who we train and spend
so much money on in order to have

[jonathan_kogan]: them ready if we need to go
to a war unfortunately why would we get

[jonathan_kogan]: them out of the army in the
military why would we just because they don't

[jonathan_kogan]: want to take you know a specific
medication you know that doesn't stop the spread

[jonathan_kogan]: which is proven to do that why
why are we telling them okay we're not

[jonathan_kogan]: gonna you have to retire were ot
going to pay you here's brad explaining it

[jonathan_kogan]: much better here's the last one

[jonathan_kogan]: oh ah

[jonathan_kogan]: so

[jonathan_kogan]: it

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: so h h i think he's got
a good take there i think he's got

[jonathan_kogan]: just good it's a good hypothesis it's
questions we need to ask its stuff we

[jonathan_kogan]: need to talk about it's a very
odd thing it's very very strange so

[jonathan_kogan]: in fact i kind of want to
tie i was not going expect this but

[jonathan_kogan]: i want to tie full circle actually
to the george sorrows sixty minutes because when

[jonathan_kogan]: i listened to that clip as the
as the interview went on it ended tying

[jonathan_kogan]: full circle to ukraine of all places
and how george sorrows has been so influential

[jonathan_kogan]: there since the nineties and he talks
about and brags about it to this day

[jonathan_kogan]: by the way but just take a
listen to this and just what's going on

[jonathan_kogan]: with russian creating how awful that war
is but you know sending all the money

[jonathan_kogan]: over there where's the money going we
don't have an audit but the is will

[jonathan_kogan]: audit you for spending six hundred dollars
on venmo but here take a take a

[jonathan_kogan]: listen to to this it's a short
clip about george sores who rounded confiscated property

[jonathan_kogan]: from the jews during the holi cost
and now nancy germany and his ties to

[jonathan_kogan]: where all the money is going from
the us tax payers hundred billion dollars

[jonathan_kogan]: so i won't go into the south
africa but he looks at the books of

[jonathan_kogan]: the central bank of ukraine where the
money probably gets transferred to this is the

[jonathan_kogan]: guy who hates jews he's a self
hating jew no problem look over here look

[jonathan_kogan]: over there look where we tell you
to keep looking you idiot you stupid peasant

[jonathan_kogan]: oh my god you can't make this
up man i'm thinking more and more were

[jonathan_kogan]: in a simulation people it's really it's
getting tough out here to think we're not

[jonathan_kogan]: it's getting real tough um so i
got some more to go into with the

[jonathan_kogan]: medical mystery linking tiktok to the explosion
of ticks and children but you know now

[jonathan_kogan]: to see here we should you know
you should keep going on tiktok while the

[jonathan_kogan]: tik tok and the u s like
tells you know kids to like i don't

[jonathan_kogan]: know boil something that will like catch
on boil your ditch while urginwichwill make a

[jonathan_kogan]: fire which will burn your face off
but in china they teach you how to

[jonathan_kogan]: do arithmetic or learn math here they
teach you how to tell how how bad

[jonathan_kogan]: men are and how bad women are
and how bad creating a family is and

[jonathan_kogan]: how bad it is to be an
american how bad it is to love your

[jonathan_kogan]: country how bad it is to be
nice to one another you must you must

[jonathan_kogan]: must hurt yourself it's crazy so yeah
and they can they can locate everything on

[jonathan_kogan]: your phone by the way but we're
not i'm not getting into his on the

[jonathan_kogan]: sigma getting to tiktok the tiktok tick
in the next segment but yeah so you

[jonathan_kogan]: got george charles round up the jews
best friends with the central bank and ukraine

[jonathan_kogan]: treated like a head of state in
the in the nineties that's from the nineties

[jonathan_kogan]: at sixty minutes no problem here no
problem here jews not having enough of um

[jonathan_kogan]: presence in the ba or the f
l very disheartening very very disheartening very very

[jonathan_kogan]: sad jews running the world may may
not be true we don't know we don't

[jonathan_kogan]: know i can't know why because this
jew yeah me wasn't invited to the round

[jonathan_kogan]: table they didn't invite the number one
jew podcast on the internet to the table

[jonathan_kogan]: but no they say joe rogan is
the best podcast but he's not jewish what's

[jonathan_kogan]: that about what the hell's that about
what is that about you got joe rogan

[jonathan_kogan]: but what about john cogan okay joe
rogan no problem no problem he's into whatever

[jonathan_kogan]: but the g john the ogan yeah
well if we ran the world this podcast

[jonathan_kogan]: would be number one on the fucking
internet okay excuse my language but very important

[jonathan_kogan]: that we could become number one one
day anyways by the way shout out from

[jonathan_kogan]: the spot if i apt for you
hundreds of people who make this a top

[jonathan_kogan]: ten podcast and hundreds of people who
make a top podpodcast and use seventy four

[jonathan_kogan]: people who make it a number one
podcast i love you i love all of

[jonathan_kogan]: you no matter who you are i
love everybody who goes to patron dot com

[jonathan_kogan]: fort les ownership economy and don five
nine in a month you are a hero

[jonathan_kogan]: you're making a difference and you're supporting
free speech freedom love prosperity the future children

[jonathan_kogan]: clouds sun all positive stuff not not
satanic ballensiaga child pornography bullshit we don't roll

[jonathan_kogan]: like that okay you can get that
from the main stream we are pro human

[jonathan_kogan]: beings and freedom and just leave us
alone even though they're taking our energy there

[jonathan_kogan]: taking our money and our sharing the
cbcbdc central bank digital currency the whole world

[jonathan_kogan]: is being destroyed around us don't worry
they love you no they fucking hate you

[jonathan_kogan]: and this podcast loves you so please
patron can force ownership economy subscribe to the

[jonathan_kogan]: jonathan ogan show wherever you get your
podcast seriously i genuinely genuine appreciate your support

[jonathan_kogan]: all of you out there who give
me shout out who leave comments who watch

[jonathan_kogan]: on rumble watch on you to watch
on twitter now big on twitter at cogs

[jonathan_kogan]: co g z we're always streaming alive
on twitter now because i am bullish on

[jonathan_kogan]: elan musk with his creator monetization dreams
of making a twitter platform worn to a

[jonathan_kogan]: you tube competitor where you get paid
more long form video content it's coming we

[jonathan_kogan]: are going to be one day mark
my words we are going to be the

[jonathan_kogan]: number one long form podcast on twitter
in two thousand twenty five it's coming you

[jonathan_kogan]: excited you don't sound very excited okay
well get excited okay i'll see you on

[jonathan_kogan]: the next segment i love you have
an amazing day an amazing night do something

[jonathan_kogan]: nice for someone else because you didn't
yesterday and if you did yesterday then do

[jonathan_kogan]: it again do something say something nice
make yourself uncomfortable because you're not used to

[jonathan_kogan]: saying nice things because you're an ass
hole maybe you're not an asshole and

[jonathan_kogan]: you're a good person but you forgot
to say something nice just do it okay

[jonathan_kogan]: spread love okay we got to spread
love in a time like this it's bananas

[jonathan_kogan]: out here let's get back to nice
that's it again subscribe The Jonathan

[jonathan_kogan]: Kogan Show Spotify Apple podcast Stitcher wherever
you get your podcast subscribe to the YouTube

[jonathan_kogan]: channel that's bumping now and search for
ownership economy or The Jonathan Kogan Show on

[jonathan_kogan]: rumble while I want to take that
to the moon hopefully we could reach a

[jonathan_kogan]: hundred subscribers some day in the next
nine thousand years all right I love you

[jonathan_kogan]: have an amazing rest of your day
or night audio us a little way go

[jonathan_kogan]: bye

Kanye 'Ye' West: Do 'The Jews' control the world? - #126
Broadcast by